• This is because the printed wearable items we offer are currently printed on-demand through our printing partner. This is done for a few reasons: It helps with storage and financial risk for us, we don’t have to order a bunch of prints and store them. It allows more color options for the shirts themselves. And it can improve shipping speed, depending on your location within the U.S., because our partner has multiple printing warehouses within the United States, West coast and East coast!

    The rest of our non-wearable products (Decals, Stickers, Air Fresheners etc) are all shipped out of our headquarters in Washington State.

  • Shirts generally take between 5-10 days to arrive.

    Others products generally take about 4-8 days, depending on your location.

    Overall, all items in an order will arrive in under 2 weeks, but can not be guaranteed due to the post-pandemic issues we are currently still dealing with.

  • All of our designs are created by Steven, the founder of Yabai Designs. He can be found on Instagram, if you look carefully enough.

  • Nope. All of our artwork and designs comes directly from our artist’s head. They are all original artworks and property of Yabai Designs. That’s not to say we couldn’t one day do a collab with other companies, no one knows what the future holds.

  • Currently, no. In the future? possibly. Time will tell.

  • You can contact us via social media with the links at the bottom of every page, or through our support email: support@yabaidesigns.com

    You can also join our Discord channel with the link at the bottom of the page, we have channels for talking shop, showing off your cars and playing games etc. We plan for it to be a whole community. You also might catch teasers of upcoming products and be able to help choose future products.